Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Whale Swims Downstream

We Left Price City, Utah today, May 7th

We had such a wonderful visit with family in Utah.  We had one minor problem while there.  We realized that any time we move the RV, it's always good to remove any chocks you have underneath the wheels first.  We use a series of ways to level the Whale.  We start with a torpedo level in the kitchen and do our best to make sure the refrigerator is level because we saw somewhere that it works better when level.  Since we stuffed it full of all of the remaining household freezer stuff, we don't want all of that to melt.  It's a small freezer, but we are able to pack in two ice trays, a zip lock full of ice, several packages of frozen veggies, waffles, a small pizza and some frozen yogurt, hash browns and Turkey sausage.  The other reason for leveling is so when you open the frig door, everything doesn't fall out on your foot.  I have successfully bounced several different food groups off the kitchen floor.

The drive today was beautiful and only spoiled by a few things.  We also learned today that you can pull into most gas stations with the Whale and Tale, but you may have to disconnect the Tail in order to make a tight turn to get out.  With the Tail connected, we can't back up, so if you need to back the Whale, the Tail must be unhooked.  There are some things that I know better than to take a picture of........ 

We started out for Bryce Canyon today and just as we turned from  I 70 to 89, we checked the weather and it was not only going to rain off and on, but it may freeze tonight.  What month is this?  Oh yah, MAY!  The Whale does not have enough blubber to kept the underbelly gray/black tanks warm.  We do have a heater for them, but we haven't really tested them well enough to know if we can trust them and we certainly don't want to blow out any plumbing lines.

Here's some photos from the drive today:
Leaving Price City, Utah and family

Driving South on route 10 down to I 70

Storm Clouds Threatened most of the day

Passing by Fish Lake area

Beautiful fields around Richfield

South on 89 and seeing Bryce in the distance

Parked at Red Canyon RV Park 2,000 feet below the campground in Bryce Canyon to stay above freezing tonight.

Craig is happy.  Today he saw his first SS deposit hit the bank account and tonight there is cable TV to watch.

I stepped out to take a picture of the sunset just as it started to rain.  I know the sun is back there.  Our bellies are full, Craig is smiling, I have finished my blog for the day and all is well in the Whale.  Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

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