Friday, March 21, 2014

Back in the Whale Again

Last Friday we locked up the RV and headed to Las Vegas to visit mom.  We had a good time with her and did some spring cleaning, but yesterday it was time to head back to where we left the RV.  We have rented a spot for a month in Cottonwood, AZ.  We were able to leave it in our spot for the time we were gone.  It took us about five hours to drive back because we wanted to go a different way.  We drove up 89A to 40 to 93 when we went to Vegas.  Today we drove back down 93 to 40, but then turned down 89 toward Prescott, AZ and came through the old town of Jerome.  It was a curving road.  I enjoyed the drive, but mountain driving is not Craig's favorite thing.
As we left Las Vegas we first passed Lake Mead.

It was a bit overcast and hazy.
We had a bite to eat just before we turned onto 89A just outside of Prescott.  We hadn't been to this area since Craig was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ, 1978-1980.  We camped at Lynx Lake on Easter weekend with the Norsworthy family and the kids put on an Easter play for us using the tent as the tomb.
As we made the turn up to Jerome, the signs said, "Scenic Highway".  I love these as long as I am driving.  Craig doesn't like anything about scenic drives, but he went this way for my benefit. The drive goes up through the Mingus Mountains.  Jerome is on the other side of these.

Craig especially doesn't like to have to take pictures for me as we are weaving along.  There wasn't much traffic, so I could actually stop once in awhile for the shot.

Watch your volume level if you watch the video.  My camera doesn't allow for any adjustment on my side.

The mountain town of Jerome was full of tourists.  I'm amazed at how full the parking lots always are in this town.  There are many specialty shops and food places.

As you dropped down off the east side of the mountain range you can see the Red Rocks of Sedona.

Our RV Camp is just down this hill and to the right.

We made a quick stop at the store to pick up a few things and had the Honda unpacked in time to relax outside while it was still warm.
It sure got cold here during the night, though.  I temp said 32 when we got up this morning.  It's sunny today and should be close to 70.  Not sure how much exploring or driving we will do today.  Craig has been working on taxes and we defrosted the RV frig.  I guess everyday can't be a "play day".


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