It's been an interesting time here at the San Luis State Park. We have had wind and rain and hail and frost, but it's a beautiful place.
We signed up to be Campground Hosts over the Memorial Day Weekend. The park has been pretty empty all week, but we just put out reservation tags for Memorial Weekend and all 51 spots are nearly full.
The San Luis Valley is a high desert.
The San Luis Valley is a high desert.
Park Entrance
We are in the midst of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. In Spanish that means, "Blood of Christ". What a wonderful reminder as we have been taking time to pray for our nation.
It even frosted one night, so I'm hopeful my Geranium will hang on.

There are all sorts of nice places along what once was a lakeside view. The drought has taken away the lake..... but, it does have water now after all the rain.
This is a boat ramp that leads to no where.
Here's Craig doing his Camp Host job. We just work a few hours each day.
I drive the Gator and help to clean.
We saw this old Ranch home that I thought was so unique.
We headed out to see some of the area sites yesterday. We drove 20 miles to see Zapata Falls
It was a steep drive up and we were glad we were driving the Honda and not the RV.
We parked the car and then had a LONG 1/4 mile hike up to the falls.
Craig decided to crawl farther up into the canyon to better see the source of the falls.
From the Falls you have a great view of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. That's where we drove next.
We drove through the Zapata Falls campground. This family had a full view, but we were hoping they didn't sleep walk.
We are approaching the Great Sand Dunes. People come from all over the world to see this in Colorado.
This will probably be my last post until we leave the San Luis State Park sometime next week. It just takes TOO long to upload files.
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