Monday, July 14, 2014

Escanaba with the Uppers (Yoopers)

We headed to Escanaba, MI yesterday morning and just had about 200 miles to go.  Most of route 2 looked like the below picture.  It was a gorgeous day for travel and the only issue we had was that our GPS had the Vagabond Campground we were going to in a very wrong location.  I knew it wasn't right when it wanted us to turn down a dirt road that turned into a tractor path.  We didn't take that turn, but then had to call Vern and Kathy to get directions in. I also want to thank the nice farmer that had a large circular driveway that we used to turn around so we didn't have to disconnect the Tail from the Whale.

It was wonderful to see Lake Superior on our travels the day before to our north and then to come into the northern bays of Lake Michigan yesterday on the south of us.

I haven't taken many pictures on my Sony Tablet because the modified case that I have sometimes covers the lens.  I took off the cover and tried a few with it.  Here's the co-pilot for the morning and Craig is actually awake, but was glancing out his mirror as I snapped this.  At least that's what I was hoping.

Our friends already had a spot picked out for us so we got set up and took the short walk down to Lake Michigan.

Vern, Kathy and Craig

I met Kathy while waiting to serve on Jury Duty while we lived in Bonham, Texas and the Lord just knit our hearts together and now our travels, too.

Below is the dock out to the lake.

There was a good breeze blowing in and stirring up some sand.

 This is our first visit to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We learned something new, they refer to themselves as "Uppers" (pronounced with U sounding like YOU).  I hope I'm spelling it right.  Someone will have to let me know.
CORRECTION: it is spelled Yoopers.

Above is Kathy's brother, Don and wife, Kim.  Please pray for her as five years ago she was cleaning a field up of debris and a rusty peace of barb wire went into her eye and she has had severe pain and loss of sight since then.

 Kathy (the campground owner) and our friend Kathy are sitting in the swing at our campfire and music time.  Their friend Ron plays a mean guitar.

We sang and breathed in smoke until I was nearly hoarse.
There's that cool front coming in and we haven't decided if we will be staying here for another day or moving on down to Vern and Kathy's place in Cadillac, MI.
Hope the winds and sand won't cause any damage that are blowing across AZ and NV.


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