The bed of African Daisies just keeps getting better and better.
This is one of two sides of the Rec Center that is lined with them.

We try to get out for a long walk everyday and this is Craig and Jim walking ahead of Sheila and I.
We have enjoyed the full moon of this past week, too.
The sunny, warm days have made it fun to be outdoors.
The fields are in full array, too.
Take a bunch of retired people and tell them there is going to be a parade and they will step up to make it fun. Wellton is a small town, with a lot of "snow birds".
The neighbors across from us have this VW Bug that they fixed up for the parade. The theme was Fun in the Sun.
Gary and Betty are the owner's of the Love Bug.
We took the back roads under the railroad tracks when we returned from the parade. Pretty small and not very well decorated.
Here are just a few of the entries in the Pioneer Day Parade.
They were throwing candy from most of the cars. We decided they just wanted to see if a bunch of older people would get out of their chairs and if so, could they bend over to pick up the candy.
Tomorrow, Feb 9th we drive the CR-V up to Las Vegas to spend a week with Mom. We have an appointment to get the New Year's Eve dent taken out of Mom's car.
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