Tuesday, June 16, 2015

And the Heat Goes On!!

Tell me this can't really be true?  We lived in Glendale, AZ when the kids were little and I remember temps like this.  But, we didn't stay there for long..........especially not in a Motorhome.

We had wind, rain and hail while we were in Colorado.  I can't say that I miss that, but we have made a huge change.  We have been in Las Vegas since May 28th.  We had a great time surprising Mom for her 90th Birthday and we have been hanging out with some friends and playing some cards.  Our plan is to leave the RV here while we make a trip over to San Clemente, CA, Friday through Sunday for our Grand daughter, Haley's HS Graduation. 
We had done a variety of things like going to Church with some awesome worship, to spending time with some of Mom's friends at the Dennis Bono Shows at the South Point Casino, to a dance and on Saturday we had lunch out to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary.  We have done some projects around the RV and around Mom's place for her.

It was actually cooler than normal for June for the first two weeks, but this last week we feel like we are living in a blast furnace.  We have been in Duck Creek RV Park and the price is good and we are 12 miles away from Mom.  Craig is healing up from the abscess that he had so much trouble with, but we ran into a bit of trouble.  Sunday night at 11:15 pm, our power went out.  It was still close to 100 degrees.  We checked around outside and found that 4 or 5 of us were having the same problem.  It was a power surge and they aren't sure what caused it.  They said it's never happened before.  We were fortunate that it didn't do damage to our electrical systems, but it did kill our DVR recorder, our microwave, a clock radio and a new fan.  We spent the night with the windows open, with our 12 volt fantastic fan working so hard to keep us cool, but there wasn't much sleep going on.  An electrician was outside working on the electric most of the night.
In the morning we were able to plug into a different electric meter and regained air conditioning.  The park was very apologetic and they are going to make an insurance claim to cover our items.  They say they are going to have to dig up the parking spots because the issue is underground.  So we were asked to move to another site.  That's what we did this morning in about 95 degrees.  It's a nice spot with a bit of afternoon shade.
On our way over to Mom's this afternoon, we just had to stop for something cold to drink.  This was a great answer to 107 heat.

We moved to another spot today and it gives us a clear view of the sunsets.  It was a beautiful one tonight.  

It would be great to figure out a way to catch the reflection and make it permanent on the windows.
Our new spot does get a bit of shade in the afternoon.
It's suppose to get to 114 this weekend.  Hope the Whale will survive while we are away to see Haley graduate!

I'm still taking my garden with me.  The geranium is real and just started to bloom again.  The pink flowers are not real, but help bring some shade to the geranium.

We are so looking forward to our trip out to California this Friday.  We are praying that it's cooler there!  It has to be, doesn't it?


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