Friday, May 31, 2013

The Whale Rides the Rockies

Rock Slides, Snow and Wind

We are parked in front of our daughter's house in Aurora, CO and had a good nights sleep.  It was a long trip through the Rockies yesterday.  As we pulled into Grand Junction on Wed there was a sign that a rock slide had eastbound I70 closed just past where we stayed for the night.  While we were checking in, the woman at the counter got a text message from her truck driving hubby that had been stuck on the other side of the slide that the road was open again.  The was a big problem avoided.  Thank you, Lord.

We went to bed after listening to a weather report that there were chain laws in effect and some road closers going east on I70 to Denver.  We woke up yesterday and decided to drive as far down 70 as we could and we would have to stop if the roads just got too bad.

Here's photos from the drive through.  I posted a long video on Facebook of the trip through the Eisenhower Tunnel.

Puts the COLOR in Colorado


Glenwood Springs.... amazing roads

Colorado River

Snow ahead

Good to see green


Elevation on our GPS - 10620

Winds gusted at 35mph

The Whale crawled up this peak.
We will be staying in Aurora, CO until around the 12th of June.

Happy Days to you!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In the Belly of the Whale

I tried taking a short video so you can see the belly of the Whale
(waiting for it to upload)

Here's today's pictures driving on I70 across lower Utah.

Leaving Beaver,UT

We are stopped for the night in Grand Junction, CO.  Tomorrow we make the 4 hour drive through the Rockies back to spend some time with family in CO.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Two Blog Day

I had to add another post today to show you this cutie campground we are in and the Mexican Restaurant that is right in the park.   The food was wonderful.  We had Maria's Special and it was rice, pork and cabbage.  Mmmmmm.

Maria's Special.  I have half of mine left for another meal.  Craig does not.

Jan and Karen, they even have a special place just for you!!

Happy Trails.